Things that get me down
It's hard to stay away from pop culture. Even more so now in this age than in the 90's, and 80's and so on. Although now, it seems like it might even be getting out of hand. I dislike commenting on popular culture, b/c it is so stupid. I just don't want to bother. Pop culture's very shallow. To be popular it seems you should be shallow, exclusive, egoistic, and concerned only with money. It seems that honesty, truth, dependability, real experience, and knowledge, are not valued in popular culture. Shallowness and the ease of participation are the appeal of this culture.
Things that get me up
Youtube. It was invented by two guys from U of I and I like it b/c it is so democratic.
It can help give a sense of pop culture. Knowing pop culture in general can help you have a better feel of the people you want to help. Better sense of the people you want to sell things to.
Also, popular culture includes everyone. In it's broader form, it's a general culture that includes everyone. It's a culture of the elderly in their various day to day lives, it's a culture of 1st and 2nd graders. It's nice to think your a part of it.
Also, popular culture includes everyone. In it's broader form, it's a general culture that includes everyone. It's a culture of the elderly in their various day to day lives, it's a culture of 1st and 2nd graders. It's nice to think your a part of it.
The Millennium development goals were mentioned during youtube live, briefly by
WillIAM. But more specifically, by when, what was supposed to happen?